A man and a woman were just married. After taking their vows, they agreed to never ask each other about their respective pasts. They both knew couples who had broken up after revealing past history so they decided to avoid this. They then went to a resort in the Bahamas for their honeymoon. It was a hot day so they decided to swim in the pool. The man went first and did an incredible dive; a triple gainer with a half-twist. His new wife was so amazed she said "Honey, I know we're not supposed to ask each other about our pasts but where did you learn how to dive like that?" The man replied "I was an olympic diver some years ago and I guess I haven't lost my touch." Then, the woman dove in the pool and she swam 50 laps in 10 minutes! Her new husband was so awed that he said "Darling, I know we're not supposed to ask each other about our pasts but where did learn to swim like that?" His wife replied, "I used to be a prostitute in Venice and I worked both sides of the canal!" Needless to say, they broke up!